06 December 2010

lately ive been lonely.
sad days ahead.

20 June 2010

is it...

is it bad of me that i miss you every day?
is it bad of me that i want to talk to you all day, every day?

you confirmed to me something that i feared.
but i still love you.

29 April 2010

im sick,

end of story.

but you make me better.

18 April 2010

april 18t

this weather lately has been pretty enjoyable.
minus the wind.

im enjoying work.
talking to caleb more and more each day.
i feel bad, i blew up at him today.
im scared, alone, confused.


10 April 2010


whats new?

im living in omaha. with family.
i got a job working at pier1, village pointe mall.

caleb and i are no longer in a formal relationship.
we have a tiny friendship right now that i am trying to build up to bigger and better again.
i hate where we left off.
i hate why we ended, how we ended.

he is still the love of my life, has been and will be forever.

i currently do not have a car.

08 January 2010


caleb and i made this soup:

Tortilla Soup with Chilies and Tomatoes

it was pretty good!
no cheese/avocado.

recipe at http://www.epicurious.com/recipes/food/views/Tortilla-Soup-with-Chiles-and-Tomatoes-351417

31 October 2009

halloween 2009

goodies at the mall